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Before acclaimed playwright and filmmaker Neil LaBute became the creator and showrunner of Syfy's hit series Van Helsing, he had already adapted Dracula for the stage -- with a fierce female Van Helsing as the vampire hunter.

In this masterful adaptation, Neil LaBute brings a rich theatricality and his provocative way with language and story to the world of Count Dracula, Van Helsing, Jonathan Harker, and his beloved Mina -- this time, with very much a mind of her own -- infusing the classic gothic tale of terror, obsession, and pathos with a modern edge. Chilling yet stylish in its atmosphere, dark yet deeply human in its emotional impact, Neil LaBute's Dracula: A Thriller in 2 Acts is a tribute to both LaBute's dramatic vision and the timelessness of Stoker's novel.

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  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • File Size: 1,690 KB

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