



In many ways, it's like I'm reading these stories for the first time. I had forgotten so many. My memory seems a bit shabbier today than it did in 2004. Thank God we wrote these tales down then, when most of us had only been out of the Navy for 15 - 20 years. Had we waited until today, 30+ years, everything would've been lost to the ages. This volume contains stories sent in between March 30, 2004 and March 3, 2005. I must admit, Volumes 3 and 4 are much better than Volumes 1 & 2. The hard edges are being sandpapered down and polished. We're no longer trying to shock our peers with legendary adventures of lust and misadventure. We're now sharing traveling tales with friends we'll always remember. It's become evident that we really did care about each other. We now understand how much everyone meant to us. I might even let my kids read this Volume. Well, maybe not. I forgot Australia was mentioned often in this book. Thank you again, shipmates, for all that you did/and still do for me. I love you all like brothers.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 495 Pages
  • File Size: 10,958 KB

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