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Lingeria: Book One of One

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LINGERIA: A wondrous world of centaurs, goblins, elves, knights, bounty hunters, giant centipedes, angry bookies, four-armed Yetis, and a single wizard. There is just one problem - Lingeria shouldn't exist. It is the product of acclaimed, and depressed, author Norman Halliday

So, how did Norman come to be sleeping on the couch of one of his fiction characters? And why are Norman's novels revered as Lingerian scripture? Also, why does all of Lingeria believe Norman to be God? Actually, a better question is... Who s this cruel wizard, about whom Norman never wrote, that seized power over the land? But first we should probably do something about the giant black cloud that sucks the life out of everything it passes over.

Okay, so there is more than one problem.

Joining Norman to untangle the mess that Lingeria has become is a lonely runt named Roe; Tahra, a mood mercenary; an anonymous goblin, and a blind librarian. With heroes like these, stopping Lingeria from being wiped out of existence should be as easy as fighting a hairless sewer ape.

"This book takes every fantasy expectation, turns it upside down, and shakes its pockets for loose change. I highly recommend this one."
- The Witty And Sarcastic Bookclub

"It's hard to believe this is a debut novel! I smiled through the entire process of reading this book. The author has nailed the caricature of an alcoholic fantasy novelist who's grown to hate his own creation... I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by this one and I hope a sequel is forthcoming! "
- Chet Sandberg, author of the Norse Gods and Monsters

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 276 Pages
  • File Size: 2,263 KB

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