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Welcome to a future!
No, not THE FUTURE, that unknowable, vicious thing that even now encroaches upon our realities -- just a future. A future full of fascinating situations, quirky characters, alien planets, and star-spanning adventure for your reading enjoyment.
I call it the Star Run Universe, and it is where my imagination roams when it chooses to fly the cosmos. So far, three novels have explored the humorous and dramatic possibilities of this universe, but apparently they are not enough. Stories beget stories and the reader is often left wondering "what happened to that minor character over there?" or "How did that aspect of a world come to be?" Well, here you will find many of the answers as well as discover many new characters and new aspects to explore.
So kick back, pop open a beer or brew some herbal tea, and enjoy Star Run one story at a time. There's no need to rush here, just a bunch of rich stories for you to slowly savor while you let the day's stresses fly away at light speed.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 198 Pages
  • File Size: 4,702 KB

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