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BREAKOUT: A Zombie Apocalypse Short Story


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Corey Meyers was down for the count. Imprisoned for life for murdering the man who killed the mother to his child, what at first seemed like a necessary sacrifice became a remorse he'd never be able to shake. He was going to die behind those bars as she grew into a woman, and nothing could ever change that. Nothing. Until it did. When all hell breaks loose and inmates become vicious fiends, Corey and his cellblock buddy, Rousseau, along with a ragtag group of inmates, get that second chance they were never supposed to get, on Christmas Day, no less. Now, faced with a world swarming with predators, Corey must race against the clock to find Sarina, the daughter he thought he'd never see again.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 23 Pages
  • File Size: 1,333 KB

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