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Do you fondly remember dishes from your childhood?

Would you like to relive the comfort those foods brought you? You can cook those classic recipes today, with this helpful cookbook.

The tempting aromas that flow from the kitchen, the friendly banter of your family as they are sharing stories of how their days went - these are things that will remind you of your favorite classic recipes, and the role they have played in your life.

Every day, there are magic moments in many homes, and they often take place over food. Preparing classic dishes allows you to serve your family and friends a meal that will fill their stomachs and warm their hearts, too.

Many classic recipes are comfort foods. There's nothing like them. Whether you're cooking for family or work get-togethers, or perhaps cooking soup when you're not feeling 100%, these classic dishes will be just what the doctor ordered.

You can prepare your meals like your mother before you, or use helpful short cuts to get the same taste. Either way, you'll love these well-worn recipes. Let's cook some classics!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 87 Pages
  • File Size: 10,466 KB

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