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"The fertile soil of Mesoamerican mythology, warped through the lens of Fletcher's hyperkinetic imagination, yields hypnotic, terrifying results."--Brian Staveley, author of THE EMPEROR'S BLADES

"With every novel he writes, Fletcher has a way of contributing something brilliantly twisted and utterly unique to the Fantasy (orscifi) genre, and I found Smoke and Stone to be his best work yet." --Grimdark Magazine "Smoke and Stone is post-apocalyptic fantasy magnificence... "

A priest of Cloud Serpent, Akachi is a temple-trained sorcerer tasked with bringing peace to the rebellious Dirts of the outer ring. Drawn into a dark and violent world of assassins, banished gods, and street sorcerers, he battles the spreading influence of Mother Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.

The gods are once again at war.


"The fertile soil of Mesoamerican mythology, warped through the lens of Fletcher's hyperkinetic imagination, yields hypnotic, terrifying results."--Brian Staveley, author of THE EMPEROR'S BLADES

"With every novel he writes, Fletcher has a way of contributing something brilliantly twisted and utterly unique to the Fantasy (orscifi) genre, and I found Smoke and Stone to be his best work yet." --Grimdark Magazine

"Smoke and Stone is a fast-paced, narcotic-laced, titanic-sized struggle between gods where the final city of man is the playing field and champions will determine who will live, rule and prosper, and who will die." --FantasyHive

"Ancient, bloodthirsty gods, street sorcerers, rival gangs, faith, and sacrifice all come to play a part is this dark and original tale from one of the best in the biz. It's bloody, enthralling, and grimdark as f*ck. "

"Michael R. Fletcher has written an amazing book about the devastation left by a war of gods. Filled with forced oppression, and the sacrifice of millions. Gods, who in desperation to save their worshipers, created a city in which the remains of mankind dwell. Strangely enough, it's weirdly magical. There's a haunting feeling of both hopelessness and possibilities."

"Set in a unique and finely crafted world decimated by war, rich in both history and beliefs evocative of Mesoamerican culture, this story is suffused with ageless deities of endless monikers determined to topple the current structure of the pantheon. These renewed and ongoing battles between fickle gods threaten to trigger bloodshed between men, revealing well-kept secrets that will surely shatter the fabric of society. Devoted priesthoods and heretical assassins, savage street-magic fueled by carefully formulated concoctions of narcotics and divine will, public sacrificial rituals to appease blood-thirsty gods, the world-building in this book is both astonishing and impeccable."

"Smoke and Stone is post-apocalyptic fantasy magnificence... "

"It's unapologetic. It will make you uncomfortable. It might even offend you. Please don't let that stop you. Art shouldn't be comfortable. Good art should be the exact opposite, and this book delivers."

"It is a dark tale full of unconventional ideas with that special kind of madness that only Fletcher can provide. "

"Deranged. Bleak. Brilliant."

"If you're looking for some lovey-dovey adventure with knights and castles and kingdoms to be conquered, then stay away from this. But if you, like me have a taste for the inherently dark, then I advise you to start this journey. It will most certainly be worth it at the end."

"Gritty and unrelenting. A great read."--Petros Triantafylou-

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  • We started tracking this book on February 3, 2020.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 326 Pages
  • File Size: 3,967 KB

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