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An undercover demon Hunter questions his allegiance after he develops feelings for the very pack he's been assigned to infiltrate.


Where there's demons, there's bound to be demon hunters and in Brooklyn there's no shortage of either.

Jasper Craig is a Hunter at New York's secret St. James Academy, and he's one of the best. With superior strength, agility, and a handy ability to sense demonic energy, it's like he was born for the job. Since he was orphaned at a young age, his parents took the secret of what, exactly, he is to their graves. And if his adoptive father knows, he's not telling.

Crimson Apocalypse is one of New York's oldest residents and the only known werespider in the north eastern United States. He's the sort who lives as fast as he talks, and if Jasper wants to get closer, he's going to have to keep up. But getting close might be dangerous in more ways than one and what Jasper learns may not be what he expects.

Strangers in the Night is a tense, action-filled urban fantasy. A story of self-discovery in a world where things are not what they seem and the lines between good and evil are hard to draw.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 357 Pages
  • File Size: 597 KB

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