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It all started with an innocent rant about my boss...

A private tirade about Henry Sloane's exclusive high-end clothing line that was designed for the rich and model thin.

But now, a video recording of my impassioned rant is making headlines. Amidst news of a national boycott, the company's stocks have plunged, and protesters are flocking to Sloane's Fifth Avenue store, demanding change, demanding his head.

All because of me.

Sloane is pissed. He wants revenge -- retribution on the person responsible for damaging his brand.

He has no idea that person is me. Whoever leaked the video had the decency to blur my face -- only now that they know I work for Henry Sloane, they want big bucks to keep my face concealed.

For now, my secret is safe -- and so is my job. I just need to find $10K to keep it that way.

All books in the Naked in New York Series are standalone and can be read in any order.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: October 7, 2019
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 216 Pages
  • File Size: 2,630 KB

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