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Tom Brantley is a complex superhero (or perhaps an anti-hero) who discovers he has the unique power of psychokinesis whenever he's drunk or high.

Revered as Burlington City's guardian, Tom loves putting on a show for his devoted fans while saving lives and fighting crime, almost as much as he enjoys partying and indulging in vices. Despite the citizens encouraging his reckless behavior, his family and friends are increasingly concerned about his declining health. With each alcohol-induced blackout, Tom is haunted by memories of his high school years, recalling his first love and how she couldn't handle his shallow, self-centered lifestyle. After consuming psychedelics -- magic mushrooms or "shrooms" -- it seems like his past exists as an odd parallel reality to his present life.

SuperDrunk is a sexy and thought-provoking dark superhero story that sucks readers into the bustling streets alongside Tom Brantley, where fighting bad guys and scoring with hot chicks might be nothing more than an escape for a washed-up loser trying to free himself from the harsh truths of life.

Read now and step into the chaotic streets of Burlington City!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 210 Pages
  • File Size: 9,792 KB

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