



Understanding the human mind is one of the most complex wide varieties of wirings of the past coined together with the chemical and physical inclinations of the present. Psychology is the study of the human brain. However, it extends way past the dissection of loads of other misleading information that is trapped in our heads. Essentially, it is a study of what makes us, human beings, tick as species and individuals.
This book is meant to show the main facets of a human being and how all these works together to make a person function. This book has been divided into various aspects of human psychology that includes decision-making, personality, emotions, behavior, relationships, as well as morality. To understand all that makes a person wholly human and think in a certain way is to have mastered psychological sleight of hand, and this book will serve as a significant step to understanding that magic trick.
How human beings behave and think is one of the most unendingly interesting studies. It shows how elegant and simple and, to some extent, mysteries and complicated human beings are. Some of the topics that have been covered in this book will try as much as possible to make the whole process of analyzing human beings so easy. The book talks about analyzing people through the nonverbal of the palms and the hands. Ways of detecting lies in people will also been discussed in this guide, as well as common mistakes people make when reading people.
Grab this guide today and learn how to catch those liars, manipulators and better still understand the people around you better for quality and improved relations.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: October 6, 2019
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 151 Pages
  • File Size: 1,206 KB

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