



Do you have a self-absorbed or narcissistic parent who's made you feel rejected, unloved, or unworthy?

Being a parent is usually all about giving of yourself to foster your child's growth and development. But what happens when this isn't the case? Some parents dismiss the needs of their children, asserting their own instead, demanding attention and reassurance from even very young children. This may especially be the case when a parent has narcissistic tendencies or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). This fully revised and updated edition of a self-help classic offers a step-by-step approach to resolving conflict and building a meaningful relationship with a narcissistic parent.

Children of the Self-Absorbed offers clear definitions of narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder to help you identify the extent of your parent's problem. You'll learn the different types of destructive narcissism and how to recognize their effects on your relationships. Packed with proven techniques, you'll realize that you're not helpless against your parent's behavior, and that you don't have to give up on the relationship. Instead, you'll find realistic strategies and steps for setting up mutually agreed upon behaviors, so you can fulfill your own emotional needs.

In this new edition, you'll discover:

• Skills for managing intense emotions

• Tools for building character, self-esteem, and self-acceptance

• How kindness and gratitude can promote self-healing

• How to build trust and empathy with others

If you're ready to begin healing from the pain of growing up with a self-absorbed parent and establish the boundaries you need to thrive -- this book will guide you, one step at a time.

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  • We started tracking this book on March 26, 2020.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 248 Pages
  • File Size: 1,910 KB

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