



Are you a frosting connoisseur? Or maybe you are a frosting beginner. No matter what your expertise in frosting, you are sure to find something amazing that you will love inside this book. These recipes are easy to make but taste as if they came out of a professional pastry kitchen. After all, these are recipes that the pros use! The frostings in this book are great for cakes, cupcakes, cookies or for topping any of your favorite desserts. Not only is there a wide variety of flavors but you can also make frosting in essentially any color too! Our blueberry frosting is a beautiful blue while the almond frosting will turn out pure white. Frostings for flavor and decoration! You can't go wrong there! Give this book a try as there isn't any other place where you can get a perfect peaches and cream frosting recipe and also a spicy chocolate frosting recipe.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 76 Pages
  • File Size: 7,756 KB

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