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An Old-Fashioned Girl


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Louisa May Alcott, highly popular author of "Little Women", wrote a less known literary jewel in 1869, "An Old-Fashioned Girl".

"An Old-Fashioned Girl" is a morality tale, it's the town mouse and the country mouse, it's a romantic love story with a happy ending and with some satisfactory twists to keep it fresh, and it's a novel of women's emancipation in the Gilded Age of America in the late 19th century.

"An Old-Fashioned Girl" revolves around Polly Milton", the old-fashioned girl who titles the story. Polly visits her wealthy friend Fanny Shaw in the city and is overwhelmed by the fashionable and urban life they live--but also left out because of her "countrified" manners and outdated clothes. However, Polly's warmth, support and kindness eventually win her the hearts of all her friendĀ“s family members. Six years later, Polly comes back to the city to become a music teacher.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 315 Pages

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