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Mom's Pioneer Living Handbook


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For more than 10 years, my family volunteered at a Living History Museum. We stepped into the 1800's as pioneers and demonstrated for the public how our ancestors lived without electricity, or running water.

Applying these primitive skills on a weekly basis, we soon realized our modern day lives were too dependent on the grid.

What would we do if we lost our electricity?

How would we survive if we had no water?

What about food shortages?

We were painfully aware that as a society, we had moved from self-reliance to dependency.

Although we loved our modern day conveniences, we also felt it was critical to maintain self-sufficiency.

Wanting our home to be both modern and practical, we traded our non-stick skillets for Cast Iron.

We purchased oil lamps and books on homesteading.

We dehydrated and home canned our food for storage.

We stocked up on rain barrels for back-up and raised backyard chickens.

We took classes on medical, wild edibles, and master gardening.

We jokingly called ourselves time travelers.

Then my kids grew up and moved across town.

Life took another turn when my daughter relocated to Alaska.

She asked for recipes from home.

After her first earthquake, we discussed preparedness.

What if she couldn't call home during an emergency?

This handbook was created to help her and others to find a solution to their own questions for safety and preparedness.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 88 Pages
  • File Size: 892 KB

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