



This book contains illustrations comparing how someone like me views the world vs a non-autistic person views the world, including how we view friendship, noises, sights, routine, time, and have issues with boundaries.
It takes a look through illustration at why people like me are overly sensitive to noise, or have issues paying attention, or respond negatively to touch, or get upset when a routine is disrupted.
I am in my 50s, so I am looking at this as an individual who has had many experiences and train wrecks. I have spent many years of self introspection, trying to understanding how my filtering system affects my ability to function and my relationship with my environment.
In the last 1930s, Autism was first being diagnosed as a specific psychological process.
But up until the 1960s, it was accepted as a dimension of other psychological profiles.
Once it was understood as a unique neurological characteristic, studies branched out to understand exactly what it saw, because we really did not know.
What about it led individuals to have a broad range of "peculiar" and atypical methodologies in experience and expression?
How do these individuals acquisition knowledge and apply it to every day life?

This is my understanding of how I process information. I stress that it is mine, because I realize each autistic person is unique and may have very different processing outcomes.

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  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • File Size: 2,542 KB

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