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Monsters (Prodigium Academy Book 1)


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As the daughter of Dracula, you would think I'd be born the perfect monster.

You couldn't be more wrong.

As far as monsters go, I'm a screw up -- if I'm not tripping over my own feet, I'm accidentally murdering someone (it's a real issue, guys).

Left with no choice, Dad decides to send me to Prodigium -- otherwise known as Monster Academy -- to train me on how to be a better monster.

When bodies turn up on campus, I'm the prime suspect (not that I can blame them. I'll be pretty suspicious too if bodies drained of blood show up right after Dracula's daughter arrives).

With the help of my mortal-nemesis Vin, Van Helsing's son

Frankie, Frankenstein's son

Mason, Medusa's son

And Jack (sometimes Hux), Dr. Jekyll's son

I might have a chance of uncovering the truth.

If I'm not murdered first.

The struggles of being a vampire, am I right?

This is a horror comedy reverse harem with some dark elements. After all, you can't have a bunch of monsters without some darkness. This is book one of a series.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 320 Pages
  • File Size: 532 KB

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