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Deep In My Soul (Soulmates Book 2)


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The soul-stirring experiences continues...
He kinda looked like Ross, he even smiled like him. My mind didn't want him. It shouldn't have. Not after Ross. But he smelled good and he talked to me in a way that felt good, deep down in my soul. He wasn't Ross.

Zena Lewis believed in fairy tales as a little girl. She carried those fantasies of a knight in shining armor loving her until eternity, until her ugly separation and divorce from her ex. These days, a man would have to be lucky to get her to smile back at him, let alone give up her number. Until Rafael Dupré. Rafael was different.

The SOULMATES series features four enigmatic, intuitive, emotional & sexually independent women. The men that love them are strong, loving, ambitious, and have the wisdom to know the women they are diggin' are very special. The connection shared between these couples is supernatural.

The soul of a woman. The love of a man. Soulmates.

NOTE: The Soulmates and The Enigma Series are tied together. You aren't required to read them both, but it will provide insight on recurring characters and themes.

Visit for more information on this and Aja's other series.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 164 Pages
  • File Size: 1,690 KB

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