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"The Ocean Waifs" is a seaside adventure novel by the famed author, Mayne Reid. The story of the Pandora has been told in all its terrible details. A slave-ship, fitted out in England, and sailing from an English port, -- alas! Not the only one by scores, -- manned by a crew of ruffians, scarce two of them owning to the same nationality. Such was the bark Pandora. On a voyage from the coast of Guineau, with a full cargo of slaves, she had caught fire. The crew hastily fashioned a raft and rowed away to safety. But when their food supply ran out, they considered the unthinkable, to eat the young lad in their crew. But a daring plan, to rescue the lad, by the sailor Ben Brace leads to the two of them being separated from the rest of the crew and fleeing for dear life on the open sea. And then their real adventure begins...

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