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Sia (Naughty Witches Book 3)


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Sia Rockwell's day is looking up when a hot guy shows up on her doorstep and says he's there to help her. And help she needs, as she's being harassed and attacked on several fronts, struggling to keep up with all the crazy. While she finds his stern, intelligent vibe hot, she can't resist teasing the overly rigid guy.
Deon Brinx's first impression of his new boss is she's a total ditz. A gorgeous ditz, but one nonetheless. The problems she has are valid, but she makes her life so much more complicated than it needs to be. Or does she? When he takes a moment to see past the frazzled exterior and get to know the witch, he sees he's the one who's missed what's going on. And how special she truly is.
When her troubles kick up his protective instincts and all he can see is her, he realizes how much he needs her. Luck better be on his side, because nothing scares Sia more than commitment and relationships.
Naughty Witches is a sizzling hot paranormal romance novella series with strong female leads, fun so sexy it raises the temperature, and mismatched people who find HEAs that give us all hope fate won't forget us. Each book is a new pairing in the same world, with an overall series arc.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 175 Pages

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