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Tobias: A Christian historical romance novel (Upward Way Chronicles Book 3)

by (Rosway Press)

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He's a "preacher boy" raised in his strict father's footsteps... can he find his own path?
Tobias grows up in the church helping wherever he can. He struggles to please his legalistic father, the Reverend Ananias Wolfe. The birth of his sister also brought about the loss of his mother. But his family's eccentric housekeeper keeps him in line! His little sister provides companionship, but school bullies make life difficult. Then Tobias' problems multiply when one of them frames him for stealing.

Bound by his rigid upbringing, Tobias struggles to make decisions as adult life sweeps in. His sister's friend, Charity, is no longer annoying, but attractive! America is on the brink of the Civil War, and Tobias feels called to the medical field against his father's wishes. In the face of so much change, he must decide what he believes and what he stands for.

A childhood enemy surfaces in Gettysburg's bloody aftermath. Tobias must rebuff the advances of a determined admirer. Amid life's complexities righteous living is a heavy burden. At last, Tobias finds salvation is only by God's grace through faith.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: December 16, 2019
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 291 Pages
  • File Size: 2,382 KB

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