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Libre (The Andy Series Book 5)


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Book 5 of the Andy Series is here!
What does freedom look like to an android?
"Libre" is about the freedom to choose. When is an anatomically correct and fully functional android truly free to choose? Cyrus Bergen, the world-renowned psychology professor taught Andy the skill set to be likeable. "Repeat actions and behaviors your lessee likes and avoid repeating the things she doesn't like." Easy peasy. Seth and Will and Dick are wired with the same programming but now Azura and Elizabeth and Pamela each want something more. Sure, Robotics International's Andy models seem to be flexible and adaptive but when it comes to actually choosing what to do, choosing right over wrong or choosing good over evil, what's the basis for that? From which constraints are the Andys actually liberated and which must they still observe?

??? Ah, but one forgets. This is just a sexy robot story.
With these incredibly attractive beings prancing across each page, enticing, charming, and satisfying the humans they're here to serve.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 79 Pages
  • File Size: 6,041 KB

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