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What would you do for your best friend? Cassandra Grace will live through heartbreaks over a thousand lifetimes.

Ellie (Eleanor James) wants to be a superstar. She has natural beauty and talent, but is super impatient in achieving her goals. She drops out of high school to pursue acting. She achieves greater success, but it comes at a cost. Ellie dwells deeper into darkness as fame becomes a dangerous drug to her.

Cassie (Cassandra Grace) is sweet and loving. She is terribly indecisive about what she wants to do in life but will follow Ellie anywhere, including dropping out of high school. After a few years, Cassie goes back to university, and there, she discovers her love for English literature. As her life gains purpose, she doesn't realize how much her friend Ellie is drifting into despair. Can she save her? Cassie vows to be there for Ellie and to get her the life she deserves to have, even if it means challenging Fate... and losing everything she loves to save her. Don't miss this riveting coming of age story about two best friends. Read it today!

My Dear Ellie is Aisha Urooj's debut novel and is the first book in the Love & Friendship trilogy.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 168 Pages
  • File Size: 590 KB

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