



Ten-year-old Annalynn just wants to be a spy for the most unusual spy agency in the world.

But her first mission is nothing like a "normal" spy mission. Instead, four enemy spies steal a single box of tissues, and her new boss seems to think Annalynn's the one to get the tissues back!

Her country needs her, but does she have what it takes to enter a foreign country in disguise and steal back the box of tissues?

Join Annalynn as she embarks on an adventure of a lifetime as she learns how to fly her out-of-control jet, faces off against a berserk Moose, has to dress up like an Opera Singer, and finds out that thumb tacks are her enemy.

Laugh your way through this Amazon Teacher's Pick series starter in the first book in the AtCS Series: Terrible Tissues!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 92 Pages

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