



Danny Larson has weird dreams. Pretty normal for a human, except Danny's dreams are coming true and nothing will prepare him or anyone else for what's coming. Crisis doesn't cover the imploding nature of the financial disaster that's coming for everyone and anyone who uses money, the soon-to-be worthless paper that just about everyone on earth relies on to transact business.
From buying groceries, cars, and houses to daily survival, money will become nothing but burnable material in a world that isn't nearly ready for a collapse.
When Danny notices his colleagues starting to act erratically, he starts to dig for information and is shocked at the level of mismanagement in his own company, let alone when he inquires among friends of different trading firms and comes to realize the mismanagement is catastrophically widespread.
His questions don't stop there, though, and before Danny knows it, his reality is a cold and barren wasteland, just like everyone else. One thing Danny knows, however, is that he's not alone. Not just physically, as everyone else in the world is feeling this particular hurt. But he also knows that the God he's relied on his entire life won't leave him now, and in the midst of utter devastation, he must learn to lean on his faith all the more to see him and everyone else through to a new sort of reality.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 36 Pages

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