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Marco Martinez: The best Bounty Hunter this side of the Rockies

by (InkWater Press)

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Marco Martinez: The best Bounty Hunter this side of the Rockies: By R M Allan has achieved a remarkable feat by being as Top #10 best seller in one of Amazon's categories.

#02 Best Seller in Teen & Young Adult Biographical Fiction eBooks (Sep 18, 2024)
#06 Best Seller in Biographies of the American Civil War (Kindle Store) (Sep 18, 2024)
#06 Best Seller in Teen & Young Adult Biographical Fiction (Kindle Store) (Sep 18, 2024)

1867. The Civil War is over. Yet there is much unrest and resentment that lives on throughout the land, and in the hearts of many...
Marco steps out of the ashes of the war; a man turned bounty hunter had everything which mattered most to him violently stripped away. So he emerges with a burning desire like none other to find redemption, and a new purpose in life. He sets off into a brave new world on the other side of the wall made up by the towering peaks of the Rocky mountains as centuries of long-lasting peace in the many acres of land is about to come to a dramatic end as the desert will witness like never before...
With the ever present growing influence of wrongdoers and other outlaws challenging the limited reach of the sheriff in the humble town of Cotton Turnaround, Marco sees an opportunity to bring about justice in a way that only he can do.

It's going to be a challenge like none other. More than even he knows. But with an unchecked determination, he is like a force of nature that is going to step up, and is ready for the task at hand as he sets off into the unknown to do his part, and find his share of the American dream. But will the shadows of his past define him?

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: February 7, 2020
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 209 Pages
  • File Size: 3,976 KB

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