



I had to pay the rent so I accepted the billionaire's offer

A split second decision and my life changed forever
I had no idea what I sighed up for
A life of mystery and wealth in San Francisco
Three weeks or the deal would be off
Little did I know that deal had stipulations
A world of scandal, a tormented man
And my heart hanging on to a string
Can Love conquer old wounds?
Is this meant to be ?
Or did I just sigh something I can't get out of?

You yes you know me
You know what I can do
I am a billionaire
Not just any billionaire
But I rule silicon Valley
And this angel walks into my life
But can she heal the damaged heart
I doubt it but I am watching
She got hurt by my son
Yes what a triangle right?
Well she will see what it means to be with a real man
But no guarantees will be made on my heart
Women have tried but none have succeeded

A twisted fun romance to keep you on the edge of your seat, billionaire ride, yachts wealthy all come alive in this book enjoy!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 20 Pages
  • File Size: 400 KB

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