




Jack Harris loves the peace and solitude of the rolling hills of the Pennines in the north of England. So when criminals interrupt his quietude, he makes no qualms about catching them, even if his actions run the townsfolk and his fellow officers up the wrong way.

DEAD HILL - Book 1

Detective Inspector Jack Harris investigates the gruesome murder of a gangland member on a deserted hill. But when the police's pursuit of the killer raises issues about the detective's own shady past, those around him will question their loyalties.


When a woman reports the screams of a girl during the night, the police think nothing of it. Yet when a body is found in a field, Detective Jack Harris has a hard time convincing the townsfolk and the media it is not the work of a serial killer. Fighting rumour and suspicion, he must solve the case before he has a riot on his hands.


When a body is found in the woods, Detective Jack Harris is called upon to establish if a murder has taken place. But the victim's connections with a known criminal who has evaded Harris in the past threaten to color his judgment. Will the detective see the facts for what they are, or will his desire to get even turn his colleagues against him?

Also available in separate editions FREE with Kindle Unlimited and in paperback. This box set is exclusive to Kindle. Look out for the other books in the series: TO HONOUR THE DEAD, THOU SHALT KILL, ERROR OF JUDGEMENT, THE KILLING LINE, KILL SHOT, LAST MAN ALIVE, THE GIRL IN THE MEADOW, and TO CATCH A LIE.

All available now. The second three are also available in a box set.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 661 Pages
  • File Size: 6,190 KB

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