



It is all work and no play when it comes to making a wish come true. And Suzie, a hard-working fairy, takes the matter with all seriousness. So, no kid's birthday wish will go in vain.

Many things can go wrong during the nighttime mission. And if you think that fairy dust is all it takes, you are in for a surprise. Fairies have to do so much to make things happen. Good thing they love their job!

This book for kids about magic tells one girl's birthday wish story playing out the way she could only dream of. Then a little boy's special celebration was prepared by fairies which he will remember forever. And there are many more happy kids like them, thanks to the busy fairies. Every day it is someone's birthday!

Full of giggles, fun, and sweets, this book is all about fairies and what they do to make a birthday eve fairy tale magical. It is a lovely gift and a fun family read.

Spend one day with a fairy and her trainees and see for yourself. The job is real! But fairies will work until kids believe in magic and make wishes to the stars.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 18 Pages

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