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She was not always daring...

Josephine Kent risked everything to escape an abusive husband: a perilous sea voyage, a new life in the Caribbean, and the constant worry that Mr. Kent would find her. She settles into a safe new life in her brother's house, content to avoid society and serve as her brother's housekeeper... until her identity is discovered by one of her husband's henchmen.

Hungerford Spooner walks a careful line among the residents of St Kitts' capital. As the son of a wealthy English landowner, he has holdings and a successful shipping business. But he is also the son of a former slave, a combination that puts him on the fringes of Basseterre's high society. When he rescues a young woman fleeing a pursuer, he finds himself drawn to her beauty and spirit. And he recognizes in her a fellow soul carrying a heavy burden.

To save her, he hides her aboard his ship. In such close quarters, their feelings intensify. But just when happiness seems in their grasp, their journey is cut short by a rogue slave ship and now Josephine must overcome her past fears to save the man she loves.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 287 Pages
  • File Size: 2,779 KB

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