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In Love with a Miami Billionaire


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In Love with a Miami Billionaire

Consequence, Courage and Conscience Waters are three siblings who grew up with money to last them a lifetime. To make sure they never forgot how much their family sacrificed to make it all possible, they spent weekends in the hood learning what it's like to struggle. During this time, none of them ever touched drugs and grew up knowing the value of a dollar. It made them more appreciative of everything they could afford. It doesn't mean they didn't understand how the streets worked, and unfortunately, the streets knew how they worked as well when certain things needed to be done.

Zakiya Summers is a woman who had a rough start in life due to her mother being on drugs. She'd watch every month how her mom would sell any and everything they had in order to get her fix, leaving Zakiya to fend for herself on a daily basis. Growing up, Zakiya swore she'd never be without the bare necessities again and used what she had to get what was needed. Sadly, her smart mouth landed her in a sticky situation with a ruthless man.

Andrina has never wanted for anything; that is until her father took the word of someone else over hers and tossed her on the street with nothing. Refusing to return home, she gets a job and moved on with her life, only to end up at the same place she once called home. After finding a new love to call her own, things don't go as planned and she finds herself defending her relationship more than being in it.

Take a ride with this crew and watch how the trials of growing up in different areas bring some of them closer than ever.

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  • We started tracking this book on July 22, 2020.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 212 Pages
  • File Size: 5,628 KB

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