



The chances of someone getting married today and having a happy marriage is less than 25%! What this book is going to do is throw those statistics out the window! The Ten Secrets that I will present in this book will give you the tools to help you find the person that you will be in love with THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!

In this book you will discover:
1. The four questions you must ask yourself about the person you are dating.
2. Common terms of what will be the two most important words in your life.
3. Knocking down the barriers that may keep you from getting married.
4. How to put out the right bait to catch the date you want.
5. Get off your tush!


"You will find your soulmate based on true compatibility, and enjoy a deep connection with your future spouse. You will be blessed with the love of your life - forever. It doesn't get any better than that."

"There's no need to compromise because there is absolutely no one in the world like you."

"When I was dating, I had 2 requirements... female and breathing! Even those I wasn't so picky about - one out of two would have been fine."

Come join Daniel on a journey to acquire the wisdom you need to find the love of your life!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 53 Pages
  • File Size: 872 KB

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