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USS Hamilton: Ironhold Station


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The surprise attack within the Auriga Star System was worse than brutal, it was heinous -- leaving the US-Navy's 3rd Fleet decimated. Thousands of crew are reported dead, including the ship's Captain. Reluctantly, the young XO, Galvin Quintos, will be taking command of the fleet's crippled dreadnaught, the USS Hamilton, while doing his best to bring fleet survivors back to Earth. Going from bad to worse, a murderer is running loose onboard the ship. Add to that fuel levels are critically low, and the Grish are back and in fast pursuit -- ready to finish what they'd started. Only by sheer luck, along with a good measure of cagey smarts, will Quintos be able to rise to the challenge.

This is one of the best military science books I've read in the past 10 years!
Great military scifi with multi-dimensional characters, creative plot twists, and a whole lot of action. Mark Wayne McGinnis delivers again with the USS Hamilton.- James Wright

If you like BV Larson, you'll love MWM's latest book - thanks for a fun, exciting read!
This author knows how to write science fiction with the right blend of humor and action. Read all of these - USS Franklin was great, too. Thanks, Mark- PK

The USS Hamilton is a military space opera on steroids.
I really hope there are many sequels to the USS Hamilton. I have read all of MWM's books, starting with Scrapyard Ship. I also loved Heroes and Zombies.- FJ

Great book - fun, entertaining, great characters, and adventurous action :)
5 stars. I don't generally read 1st person-narrated books because, in my opinion, they tend to make the book drag. Fortunately, USS Hamilton: Ironhold Station is not one of those 1st person-narrated books that drag. The hero (and narrator) is so engaging he pulls you into the story which is action-packed, well-told, and has memorable characters - both human and alien. Quintos is the XO of the USS Hamilton who unexpectedly finds himself in the role of Captain. To say he's not that keen on the job is an understatement, but somehow he muddles through and finds that he is more capable than he thinks. What I liked about the book is the way in which the author uses Quintos to describe the future setting and technological aspects that lace the story. There is self-effacing humor about Quintos that engages the reader in the story's narrative development. Overall, I can honestly say my first excursion reading a Mark Wayne McGinnis book has been a good one and I am definitely looking forward to the next book :) - Catherine MacKay

Still another series from one fabulous writer
I thought that Scrapyard Ship, Star Watch and Chronobot Chronicles was really neat and have them all. Along the way, he added a lot of other books and now this action series has the promise of being even better than all the rest. If you liked any of his previous books then sit back and read what this future brings. If this is your first try for Mark then you will be delighted and drawn in by his fantastic imagination coupled with his ability to put those dreams into words. Last line - Buy this book, you will be so happy you did. Also love USS Lincoln and Scrapyard Ship Uprising.-J.M.

You will love this if you love military SciFi!
Of the many Military Sci-fi novels I have read, this is at the top of my favorites! Characters have an actual personalities, action is on nearly every page, and the main character is both funny yet very human in his feelings. There is humor and action throughout the novel! A- Kindle Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars. Excellent military sci fi
This is a fast-paced adventure. MWM delivers another exciting and imaginative story that's part space opera, part murder mystery, and all fun! I understand the sequel is about to be launched and I'm looking forward to it. I also highly recommend USS Franklin... simply fantastic!- Stuart Church

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 346 Pages
  • File Size: 2,637 KB

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