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Mated to the Lion


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Can Amelia handle the truth that she's having a lion shifter's baby?

Kaeden Everett is a Lion shifter with a deep love for his family, even if they do get on his nerves. As the oldest out of three young cubs that had been orphaned and left on their own, he grew up with a keen sense of responsibility. As the population of Lion-shifters starts to decline due to a genetic anomaly, he sees it as his duty to search out Dr. Pearson, a fertility specialist known to the shifter community, looking for a suitable match.

Amelia Price has spent her whole life dreaming of having a baby. Years of being unlucky in love left her doubting it would ever happen. Tired of her lonely life, and waiting for the 'right' guy that always ended up turning out to be Mr. Wrong, Amelia decides to take things into her own hands and visits a fertility clinic with the hopes that her dreams will finally become a reality.

He was looking for a surrogate, but what he got was a whole lot more. Maybe he's finally found his match.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 28 Pages
  • File Size: 2,182 KB

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