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La Luneau Sisters


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September, 2019, B.C. (Before Covid): Clementine, Cecilia and Colette La Luneau live together in their childhood home in the prosperous town of Westwick. Although each sister works a traditional day job, they supplement their incomes with witchcraft: candle magic and voodoo (Clementine), mediumship (Cecilia), and Tarot (Colette). The sisters love one another and their shared mystical interests, but each longs for a different kind of love, whether she admits it or not. As autumn turns to winter, Cupid helpfully points his arrow at each sister in turn. But what of the frightening omens that predict terror on the horizon? Do the sisters receive foreshadowing from the universe of a looming threat, or are the occurrences meaningless? Colleen McManus Hein's latest paranormal romance illuminates life before Covid-19, when the La Luneau sisters still innocently cling to a belief in fairy tale endings. The book is written in "television style," with the plot unfolding in scene after vivid scene, just like your favorite binge-worthy streaming series. Tune in today!

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  • We started tracking this book on August 16, 2020.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 283 Pages
  • File Size: 4,580 KB

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