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'An engaging mystery adventure, full of humour and pathos.'
'A wonderfully absorbing and subtle tale.'
'Full of character and human understanding.'

'To the Cry of the Sand'ling' was awarded Third Place, against very stiff competition, in the 2021 Scottish Writer's Association Awards - The Barbara Hammon Trophy.

This is the story of three Scottish generations from an influential Scottish family: David Miller, his father Tom, and his daughter Rosie. It follows their lives through two early 18th century timelines: Rosie growing up; Merchant Tom, trading in Europe; and Orphaned David attending a school in Edinburgh before developing into an inspiring Scottish teacher.

It is a detailed story of their lives during a time of great social, political and economic upheaval. Each one is strongly influenced by the lovers and friends they encounter on their life's journey. This is also a story of the influence of women in an age where history tells only of men.

The novel is engaging and has a strong narrative. It deals with the moral conflicts within its characters as they balance duty and desire in a changing world. Historical secondary characters, such as Adam Smith, bring a lively brightness to enlighten the tale.

The three threads, Rosie/Older David (Fife), Tom/Joe (Delft) and Young David (Edinburgh), are told in interwoven chapters with correlated themes of love, loss, betrayal and redemption.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 367 Pages
  • File Size: 791 KB

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