



Given one final charge before becoming a fully fledged guardian angel, Charity faces her biggest test yet. One she might not pass.

Maddie Jacob is broken. It has been a year since she learned of her fiancé's death while being deployed to the Middle East. All of her plans and dreams vanished right before Christmas. The weeks and months following saw her retreat into a shell. She visits his grave every day but refuses to accept he is gone.

It isn't until she meets her new patient, who has also lost his father to the war, that she begins to feel again. Maddie finds strength in his example. Guided by the unseen hands of Charity, Maddie opens up and allows the healing process to begin, but is it already too late?

The only way for Maddie to move forward is through accepting the past and admitting she has been existing instead of living. She grows with each step forward, but the pains of the past continue haunting her. Can she learn to deal with her feelings or is she trapped in an endless cycle of grief?

Not even an angel knows.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 208 Pages
  • File Size: 4,655 KB

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