



A deadly virus originating in China grips the Eastern hemisphere.

Chaos reigns as the infection spreads throughout the world with alarming speed.

The world's experts rush to cure it, but are they too late?

CIA agent Will Reisner and his team head to the South China Sea on a mission - find a lost ship loaded with bio-weapons. But as they search, a terrible virus plagues the local population, leaving them worm-ridden and insane. Worse, the sick refuse to be contained and spread the disease by infecting the healthy. Will joins epidemiologist Selene Munroe in her desperate attempt to keep the virus from becoming an epidemic, but its victims have formed a hive mind that affords them military-level tactics.

Can Will and Selene stop the insanity before it reaches the West, or are they the newest recruits for an army of death that is bent on absorbing the human population into its ranks?

Emergence is a sci-fi thriller that grabs hold of you and never lets go! Fans of I am Legend, The Extinction Cycle, and Robert Heinlein's, The Puppet Masters, will love the Emergence Series. Find out why fans call it, "riveting, haunting, and brilliantly written," and say it's a "bold reinvention of the zombie theme that will have you gripping the edge of your seat."

This boxed set contains all 8-volumes in the post-apocalyptic series.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 1,193 Pages
  • File Size: 1,803 KB

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