



All that stands against a bloodthirsty army is Kala and her friends...
Skye... her questionable boyfriend
Lily... her best friend whose father she killed
Cera... her best friend's girlfriend
Hawke... the guy who tortured her
Amber... a prostitute with a heart of gold
Dhara... a lioness with a penchant for nudity
Eden... the girl her boyfriend cheated on her with
Grey... a monk with no sense of humor
Forest... a pint-sized version of Kala

No problem, right?

Kala's world is set aflame by Soren, a self-declared child of the winds, who was ripped from his family and sent in an airship to the harsh northern steppes. To assuage his anger, Soren has raised an army to destroy the world and every airship in it.

The Church fans the flames, hoping to usher in a cleansing apocalypse and return the world to a garden-like state before humanity can destroy itself and the planet the way the Ancients almost did. The Kala is prophesied to raise an army to oppose Soren, thereby obliterating each other and accomplishing the Church's dark goals.

As the mismatched confrontation looms, Kala fears the Priestess's prediction... that her friends love her enough to die for her.

With captivating characters and absorbing plot, this mesmerizing fantasy series explores impossible odds, the gravity of destiny, and the power of friendship.


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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 391 Pages
  • File Size: 5,455 KB

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