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Mabel is looking to escape her life as Hollywood's leading lady Sabrina Woodard. She is tired of having everything from what she ate for breakfast to her tits broadcasted to the entire world. She needs a break to clear her head, so when her only true friend in Hollywood suggests she escape to the mountains of Washington for a little private retreat she doesn't hesitate to take him up on his suggestion. When a run in with a patch of ice details her plans, Mabel finds herself at the mercy of her knight in shining flannel, Colton Dylan. He's charming, sweet, and even better than his devilish good looks, he has no clue who she really is.

Colton has been searching for the one for most of his life. He was starting to lose hope, when a sweet voice called needing help with her car. The moment Colton laid eyes on Mabel he knew she was the one. The catch, he only has a week to convince her that he can give her the life she has always dreamed of.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 120 Pages
  • File Size: 1,526 KB

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