



When popular Bigfoot skeptic Kevin McNight is murdered, Jean Williams refuses to believe Detective Wheeler's explanation that the killer was just a bear - she believes there was a human involved, and she's determined to find justice for Kevin.

With the local Bigfoot festival just days away, there many who stand to benefit from Kevin's death - from the well-known Sasquatch believer Roy Turner, to the event organizers who profit from the festival each year, to the Bigfoot "researchers" who despised Kevin.

In between working at her aunt's bakery café, Jean finds time to slip into the woods and the festival campground in her quest to uncover the truth. But will her hunt lead her straight into a bear's den - or worse, into the hands of a killer?

This is a humorous cozy mystery featuring a strong female protagonist, some unusual friends and family, and a mystery that needs solving! It has no graphic gore, bad language or sex.

Praise for A.R. Winters:

"The perfect balance of being lighthearted, but still a serious page-turning mystery." - Jaycie D,

"A fun cozy mystery with engaging and entertaining characters" - lq,

"For fans of Janet Evanovich, Rhys Bowen and Jana DeLeon, this is a funny, clean mystery." - Clara B,

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 175 Pages
  • File Size: 1,131 KB

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