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What The Hell Is an Economy?: 2nd Edition


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Tired of not understanding economics? Empower yourself by reading this book!

What do money, wealth, stocks, bonds, markets, companies, corporations, banks, insurance, entrepreneurs and even bitcoin have in common?

How does our government borrow? What does the Federal Reserve do?

What causes inflation?

Why are banks on every major street corner?

What is an economy, and why do we have one?

Answers to all of this, plus some cool drawings and really bad dad jokes.

All this for just $2.99!
"This book is less a primer than it is an extended, sometimes dazzling proof, making the persuasive case that our economy could do more for us all while simultaneously warning against excessive centralization."

Booklife Review

"Johnson assumes no prior reader familiarity with (or even an interest in) economic subjects. He goes beyond translating economic terms, creating lively discussions that clarify and survey such potentially confusing subjects as bitcoin"

Donovon's Bookshelf, February 2023 Review Issue

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: September 10, 2020
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 332 Pages
  • File Size: 25,192 KB

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