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A winter wedding in the Adirondack Mountains, how romantic!

Until a blizzard descends, dumping more than seven feet of snow, marooning Ellen and Vic in their remote Adirondack camp.
Snowbound with a man who is a twelve on a scale of one to ten? Every woman's dream except, there's no water, electricity and scant food supplies. To make matters worse, mysterious tracks appear in the snow, ghostly apparitions wearing ski hats haunt the woods and guests arrive, uninvited, on dog sled. Throw in a speakeasy from the 1920s and the recipe is perfect for a batch of Christmas mayhem that only klutz-Ellen can whip up.
The weather outside is frightful but Ellen and her friends, Twinkie and Adele, spin the perfect Christmas tale of holiday cheer, sleigh rides, ice skating, snow angels and of course, Santa too.
Join Ellen and Vic as they sort and dig out of the Christmas havoc Santa delivered this year in the fourth book of the Audacity Series.
It's that most wonderful time of the year to curl up by the fire and read Audacity of an Adirondack Christmas, the perfect pairing with a glass of eggnog under the mistletoe. Merry Christmas, fa, la, la, la, la!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 234 Pages
  • File Size: 3,508 KB

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