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For Christmas and the rest of the year!
In the title story it's just before Christmas and an unexpected visitor arrives, claiming to be the fiancée of the son of the house. But he knows nothing about it. This muddle has to be sorted out, or it's not only Christmas that will be ruined.
There are four other Regency stories to make you smile. A widow finds love when an unusual new neighbour turns up looking for help; a young woman finds a buyer for her father's chemistry laboratory, but gets more than she bargained for; Sir Robert befriends a homely governess and her charge and conveys them to London, where his future is changed forever by a dog and a dimple; a young woman with an extraordinarily beautiful best friend discovers that beauty isn't everything..
These charming and cozy stories are perfect for a bedtime read or for curling up next to the fire in a favorite chair. Happy endings all the way!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 186 Pages
  • File Size: 1,019 KB

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