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Psychic Express: A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel

by (Rain Press)

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A Paranormal Women's Mystery Novel!

Alyssa Anderson has a fairly normal life in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. That is, until two things happen nearly simultaneously:

First, she gets laid off from a job she loves.

Second, visions of a missing little girl begin haunting her sleeping and waking hours. A little girl, it tuns out, who's gone missing in Alyssa's home town.

Out of work and plagued by these visions, Alyssa returns home to Georgia to reconnect with friends and family... and to help search for the missing girl.

There, she makes several startling discoveries about herself, her newfound abilities, and the fate of missing children from across the South.

Led by her newfound psychic instincts and utilizing her commendable outdoor skills, Alyssa will lead federal agents across the Appalachians in hot pursuit of those who prey on the innocent...

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: November 8, 2020
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 162 Pages
  • File Size: 707 KB

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