



Part one in a Christian Regency suspense series with slow-burn romance and a supernatural twist

She met him again by shooting him.

Unmarried after four Seasons of towering over her dance partners, Miss Phoebe Sauber learns she will be cast out of her home when her father remarries. Feeling betrayed by her father and God, she misfires an arrow at an archery tournament.

But the arrow pierces a paper held by Mr. Michael Coulton-Jones. And strangely, the symbol drawn on the page is eerily familiar to her.

He met her again while searching for a killer.

Michael had quit his work as a spy for the Foreign Office when his brother was murdered. His investigation leads to Apothecary Jack, a criminal underworld lord gathering a powerful army through an alchemical potion that gives men supernatural strength.

Michael joins forces with Phoebe and her Aunt Laura, Lady Wynwood, who have found a vital connection between Apothecary Jack and a mysterious group plotting against England.

Now, only this team of misfit aristocratic spies stands against a treasonous organization that could enable Napoleon to conquer the world.

PLEASE NOTE: Like the novels published in Jane Austen's time, this is a novel in multiple parts, projected to be 12 volumes. Each volume has a completed story arc, but this is NOT a stand-alone novel and ends on a cliffhanger.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 360 Pages
  • File Size: 949 KB

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