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The poorly fitting crown and my concern that it didn't feel right seemed to be frustrating the doctor. When he left the room, his dental assistant whispered in my ear, "He's very angry." While trying to make the oversized crown fit, that wasn't necessary in the first place, an adjustment was made to a different tooth. I left his office in a cascade of pain covering my face and jaw. You won't believe the sequence of events that followed. This book shares the author's experience of TMJ including significant jaw pain and a tongue issue no one seemed to understand, and more. It's an easy-to-read true story offering hope and inspiration to "Never give up."The 12 Lessons learned can benefit anyone whether they have TMJ or not, beginning with "Don't fix what isn't broken."

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 108 Pages
  • File Size: 2,049 KB

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