



Musaicum Books presents the Musaicum Christmas Specials. We have selected the greatest Christmas novels, short stories and fairy tales for all those who want to keep the spirit of Christmas alive with a heartwarming tale.
This children's book classic tells the tale about the boyhood of Santa Claus. In a world full of immortals and mortals, the forest of Burzee received an abandoned infant which is found by the nymphs. And Necile, who wishes, even though it is against the law, to spare the child and raise it as her own. Ak, the Master Woodsman reluctantly allows Necile to take in the baby and name him Claus. As he grows older Claus befriends the creatures of the forest and Ak shows him the children of the world who he has sympathy for. When Claus reaches adulthood he leaves the forest of Burzee and travels to the country called the Laughing Valley...

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 144 Pages

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