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A different kind of storm (Nerds and Tattoos Book 3)


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When I found out I was in a race against time, I created a bucket list and he was never supposed to be on it.


I left a stranger's bed a year ago, never planning to see him again. I couldn't stop thinking about him though, and when he walks back into my life, I remember why. Storm is a bright spot in this world. He helped me find my way that night and once again he pulls me free from the darkness that nearly has me drowning. I tell myself I don't want him, I scream it out loud repeatedly, but they are nothing more than empty words. He may drive me crazier than anyone I've ever met but I can't help but want to be wrapped in his chaos time and time again.


I thought I had more time and now that I know I don't, I want to make every minute count. I want to be kissed breathlessly in the rain, to dance on the rooftop of a house, to go skinny dipping in the lake, and all the other things I never saw as important before. I'm not supposed to fall in love with a grumpy, gorgeous tattoo artist along the way. What could someone like me offer a man like Drake? He gives me all these wonderful days and I'm worried one day all I'll leave him with is heartbreak.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 246 Pages
  • File Size: 2,504 KB

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