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What would you do if you kept having recurring dreams about a family that's not yours? Lacey Kikelomo has never felt as if she belongs. She wakes up everyday living in a squalid trailer secluded in the woods with no one but her mom and little sister to keep her company. She has no friends, no real sense of freedom and her mom controls her every move. Her only escape from abuse and loneliness is an armful of books, DVDs, and a sweetly recurring dream about a loving family she's never met but secretly wishes she was a part of. Lacey knows her mom is hiding something from her but can't figure out what. When her 13th birthday comes around, she's given the surprise of her life which leaves Lacey questioning her mom's sanity and whether or not she's truly who she claims to be. *** Lily Bleu-Monroe has been searching for her missing daughter, Nadia, for the past 8 years. Memories of the last moment she saw her daughter terrorize her every waking moment. Consumed with protecting her remaining children at home and searching for Nadia, Lily drives away the only man she's ever loved. No one believes that her daughter is still alive. Everyone thinks Lily's crazy, even her husband. Resentment builds, tensions rise, but her hope in miracles never die. Lily will stop at nothing to ensure the happiness of her children and finally bring her daughter home where she rightfully belongs. But what happens when searching for her daughter uncovers a crime that's been buried for years?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 170 Pages
  • File Size: 637 KB

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